19 August 2011

So it starts

I have bought my ticket and leave in two days and six hours. It is weird to think that it is really happening. As much as I real want to go, I am so terrified of leaving my family and friends and venturing into the unknown.

So far, the most effort I have put into packing is thinking about it! I have started my goodbyes. Last night, I had the hardest goodbye of my life. I had to say goodbye to my 14 year old sister. She was so incredibly sad. It made me not want to go. It felt like someone had ripped my hard apart. On the way back home I felt physically sick.

It is so hard for me to think that when I come back she will be an adult. These are the things that you don't think about in the excitement of moving to a different place. All I could think about was the weather and the food, the experience and things that I would learn. Now it is starting to hit me (like a Mack truck) the weight of my decision on others.

I know that I will not regret the decision I have made, but I did not clearly evaluate the emotional price of this choice.


  1. You won't regret your decision when you get there. It is a huge step but i know if you don't go you will regret it. It's your life and with that you need to make hard descisions and have awesome adventures. I think its great that you are doing this for yourself. Good luck in med school you will do great!

    Love, Lindsey :)

  2. I really think it will be a good thing for you, Kaitlyn. I remember thinking about all this before I moved to Colorado. I was kinda sad and scared, but I knew that it was something I needed to do. I don't regret it one bit...(I only regret leaving but that's another story for another day). I will pray you have an easy transition.
