25 October 2011

2 months and counting!

I hardly seems possible that only two months ago I was living in the States. It just seems weird to me that I feel so at home here. It's great, but weird. It sort of feels like I have always been here. It's hard to explain.

First, since I know that I never make it to the end of blogs, especially those that are long, I'm going to put the ending here! I think that is enough for right now. Life here is pretty regular, at least for those of us who live here. If you have any questions about anything here, please feel free to ask. I have Google Chat on my phone, so feel free to message me anytime. nyltiak@gmail.com. And now a closing question as winter is quickly approaching you, how does the guy who drives the snow plow get to work in the morning?

So, updates...
1. I have added to the Dominican Cunningham family. Meet Libertad (Libby). She is a 8 week old puppy of unknown race. There is argument between myself and some of my neighbors about whether she is a German Shepherd. I looked at pictures online of baby German Shepherd puppies, and am convinced that she is mostly German Shepherd. My neighbors think that she is the typical street dog. I guess we will find out when she gets bigger.

Felipe (the cat) was very angry with me for not consulting with him before adding to the family! The first day, Felipe stalked Libby around the apartment, using every opportunity to attack her. It has gotten easier. I think that with time, Felipe, although I don't think he will ever like her, will tolerate her. Felipe is now able to be within 5 feel of a sleep Libby without hissing.

2. I worked on my first outreach this past weekend. I'm not exactly sure the town it was in, but it was east of Santo Domingo somewhere. It was really nice. It was basically the same sort of thing that I have done on the short-term mission trips, but they do it as a career. It is very inspiring!

3. Mid-terms. I passed all my midterms thankfully! Now that I have gotten past the first set, I know more what they are looking for and how to study for their tests. It's amazing how little you learn in class. This is a great place to study, but only if you are self-motivated. I have my next set of midterms in three or so weeks. I'm hoping for As on all of them!

4. I am taking a discipleship class at my church here. It is really amazing. It has been so helpful to go through the basics of what being a Christian is. Sometimes it is so easy to forget why we believe what we do. I will be taking a Hewbrews (not the language, but the book) class after Christmas break. Thankfully I have fewer classes next semester, because this class has tests!

5. Financial aid: what is a good antonym for aid? Hinder? Well that is what has been happening for the last two months. Thankfully, everything is starting to work out. I was told that I was supposed to get my check today, but it looks like it will the Thursday. I will then get my other check around the 10th of November. The one thing that this experience has shown me, besides God's provision, is what I really can live without! Also, it is hard to budget when dealing with a foreign currency!

6. Car: I'm still waiting for my car to sell. I was thinking about bringing it back with me the next time I'm in the States, but I would have to drive it from Ashland to Miami. And then once it got here, there is never any guarantee as to how much you pay in import tax. So please pray that the car sells. According to my parents, there have been a couple calls recently, which is awesome because it hasn't been listed for a while. I think it has been good to have a semester without a car, but it is really hard get around safely.

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