30 September 2011


So I've been here for about 5 weeks now. It feels like an eternity...but in a good way.

This has been an incredibly interesting, encouraging, fulfilling, frustrating, amazing month.

School is good...boring but good. I feel pretty good about all of my classes. Sometimes I have no idea what is going on, but for the most part I get what is being taught. It's mostly the cultural nuances that I don't understand. For example, there is some saying/joke about a ball or something like that. It has to do with the baseball culture here, but I have no idea what exactly it means.

Also, most of my notes end up being half in Spanish and half in English. For example:
Chemistry: "Concepto de un orbital: Space you're most likely to find an electron."
History: ""Priests came to make better the situation of the aborigenes y empusar la industria de su carrerra."

I have midterms in two weeks. That will be the big test as to whether I understand or not.

I've gotten really involved in my church and will be starting a discipleship class on Monday.

I have yet to be seriously injured by the ridiculous lack of safety awareness here. Just a sprained wrist playing extreme street crossing! 

Pretty much everyday, I see something that puts a smile on my face. Here are some examples:
1. A guy selling mops in the waiting room at the doctor's office.
2. Someone carrying about 10 dead chickens down the street.
3. Two people and a washing machine on a motoconocho.

In my entire life, I have never felt so at home or so at peace as I have while living here. 

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