26 June 2013

Health and Juice Fasting!

Over the last year, I have made a concerted attempt to get my health under control. I didn't want to be a doctor telling overweight patients to lose weight, but myself be overweight. One day I looked in the mirror and thought to myself "You can do better." So, I started running last May and had lost about 30 pounds by Christmas. But being home over break and eating all my mom's good cooking, I gained 10 back.

Around Easter this year, I was really frustrated because I had stopped losing weight and was just maintaining where I was. So I decided to start doing Insanity. It was amazing. I could feel myself getting stronger each day. But.....I still wasn't losing the weight. I sat down and had a good hard look at what I was doing wrong, and then I felt like an idiot when I realized what it was. I had not at all changed my eating habits. If anything they had gotten worse because I felt I could justify eating more pizza or chocolate because I had worked out that day.

About a month ago, I decided to take the reins and get my eating under control. I was already working out 6 days a week and the weight was staying stubbornly in place. One of my good friends recommended a juice fast. I had never heard of it, but the more I researched it, the more it seemed like a good idea. I watched tons of videos online, and after separating out the crazies, I felt ready to do it.

For those who don't know what a juice fast is, it is a diet of homemade (made with a juicer), 100% natural, nothing added fruit and vegetable juices. It is recommended to have 20% fruit and 80% vegetables.

If there is one thing about me, it is this...I don't like process. So instead of following the directions to start the fast, like only eating fruits and vegetables the day before, I went to McDonald's and got a Big Mac and french fries to celebrate the end of solid food for the next week!

The first couple days were hard because your body has to get used to not eating solid food. My stomach felt really weird; like it was hungry, but not hungry. It's really hard to describe. I also felt really calm and peaceful. It is the healthiest I have ever felt. But...I had some detox side-effects. I had a headache ever day for the first 5 days or so. I also felt like I would kill someone for something starchy. But those were really the only side effects.

Very long story short, I had a very successful first juice fast. I lost somewhere between 5 and 7 pounds (my scale is really cheap- so if anyone from my family is reading this...that could make a good Christmas present!) But I lost 1" off my waist in less than a week. The best thing about the fast was that I view food differently and have been eating a lot healthier and smaller portions. I did eat at Hooter's the week after ending my fast and got very sick. My system does not do well with very fatty foods anymore, which I view as a huge plus!

I am doing it again this week and it is a lot easier. I know what I am doing. I am trying more varieties of juices. And I don't think that my body got very "toxified" during the last 3 weeks, so I don't have the headaches that I did the first time. I also don't feel like I am in food withdrawal.

I have some "tips" for juice fasting that really worked for me.
1. Make juice ahead of time, but make a variety otherwise you get tired of the same juice all the time.
2. Don't worry too much about breaking the fast. I read to only eat fruit and veggies and slowly work back in grains and dairy. I broke mine with a veggie sushi roll, a salad, and water. But like I said, fatty foods were not really what I wanted, so it was easy to stick with something healthier.
3. For every juice you drink, drink at least that much water.
4. Also, on the water thing...I bought lemons (or limes-the green ones) and put the juice of them in my water to make it more interesting. Also, a caffein-free herbal tea is okay...like chamomile.
5. This can be really expensive. Look for fruit and veggies that are in season and on-sale.
6. Be creative. It is amazing what you can actually juice. For example: did you know you can juice green beans, cabbage, garlic, ginger, and celery. Basically anything can be juiced. The only thing I found that was really gross was the Dominican version of a sweet potato. It was awful.
7. Try to add lots of green things: cucumbers, broccoli, spinach, kale (or an equivalent if you can't get kale), basil, green beans, etc. They are really good and very good for you.

Email me with any questions. I will be doing a school update soon, but I will summarize: study, tests, study, tests, ect. Med school is hard.


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