17 August 2013

This time I actually have something to say!

Normally, I don't update this because I feel like I never have anything to say. This time things are different. A lot has happened in the last week and a half and things are changing rapidly.

We found out last Thursday that our school lost its eligibility to participate in the federal loan program from the United States...effective immediately. This was due to not having a USMLE pass rate of 75% and fraud on the part of the school. This news was devastating. I have imagined me living here in San Pedro for the next three years, finally staying somewhere for more than a year. When we were told, I broke down crying at school. It felt like someone had ripped the carpet out from underneath me.

So, what is next? I am applying at a medical school in Santo Domingo called Intec. It has a much better pass rate, higher quality of education, better teachers, a caring administration...basically everything that UCE is not.

I might have been more willing to stick it out at UCE until the recouped the loan, but through this situation, we were really able to see the character of the administration at our school. Instead of genuinely trying to help us, they give us options that are only truly options for a small minority.

It will be interesting to see what happens. I have a second part of  job interview on Monday. I will hopefully be working and living in the capital starting the 26th of August. I am getting all my paperwork together to apply to the new school. I have a higher GPA, so I'm not anticipating any problems, but your prayers are greatly appreciated.

I know that God called me to this country for a reason, and I'm just interested to see what the next step is.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Kaitlyn:
    Prayers are with you that everything works out fine. This must have been heartbreaking, but as you said God has a reason for things to happen. Keep up your spirits and all will work out fine.
