06 September 2013

Teaching. Yay!

I am made the move. I have now been in Santo Domingo for two weeks. It now feels like home. There is nothing like having a job to help you settle in. I still don't like the capital as much as I liked San Pedro, but I'm sure that with time and assimilation, I will grow to like it more.

I just have to say, I love teaching! I really thought I would just do the job because I needed something to do and a way to earn money, but in reality, I have found that teaching is incredibly rewarding. I have three classes, two 10th grade classes and one 11th grade class.

Most of the kids have a pretty good grasp on English and are very diligent, but there are always those few. Also, my classes are very different from each other. One of the 10th grade classes is so quite; I don't get much out of them. The other 10th grade class participates a lot. The 11th grade class is usually slightly zoo-like.

Today, the 11th graders were being particularly rowdy, so I told them, "I don't care if you don't pay attention. If you don't want to pass my class, that is on you. But if you are not going to pay attention, do it quietly." They got huge eyes and just stared at me. But then they were quiet. I told the academic principal this and she laughed and said, "Good for you. You can't force them to learn."

Nothing new to report of med school. I finished my semester at UCE and then withdrew from the school. There has been a snag in requesting my transcripts from them, but I will hopefully have them on Tuesday. I have an interview with the new school here in the capital, Intec on the 25th. I will have an answer by October 17th.

Isabel and I looked at a house that is close to the school and a short distance from my work. It is really hard to be content with a house after having a rooftop BBQ and gazebo, but I will survive.

Things are falling into place!

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