01 September 2014

In transition and feeling a bit lost

I have been back in the Dominican Republic for just over  a week now and it feels really weird. After spending two months back in the States, the longest I had been back since moving,  I do not feel like I belong here anymore. I am pretty lonely on top of feeling lost. Being apart from my family and leaving my baby, Libby (the dog), has been very challenging and the fact that I thought I was going to have someone to come back to has made me change my perspective. This past week I was on a one week vacation from my Masters program and had a lot of down time. I read the entire Divergent Trilogy in 3 days, along with another book, watched a couple movies, did some Insanity. I probably should have been brushing up on my anatomy and physiology, but why do that when I can ready an engaging book!?!?

I am excited to start the next part of my journey/sad because this one has come to an end. I'm just glad that my book of my life has such great chapters! This last chapter has been filled with such great friends and experiences. I never envisioned that it would end so soon. Originally I had planned on being here until 2016, but as I have come to expect, plans change. In the last weeks before I moved, I felt a sense of closure for this country and the life I had here, but being back for this week has made me realize that this is not where I fit anymore and I am ready to move on, at least for the time being.

For those who have been so faithful in your prayers, please keep them coming. I have been feeling rather down with this transition and have more traveling to do. I am also going to have a really hard next 8 months in Curacao. Medical school is REALLY hard and I have been out of the swing of things for a year.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED the Divergent series, although the ending frustrated me a bit. Hang in there - Know that you have many friends and family members here in the States who are rooting for you all the way. Hugs and prayers!
