18 August 2014

Summer Update

There have been a lot of changes that have happened recently. I know that I have talked about my plans on this blog, but I'm not entirely sure what I've previously written about and what has actually happened, so I'm going to just update everyone on the key points of the last couple months (with lots of pictures!):

I moved out of my apartment in Santo Domingo as of June 24th and have been staying with my parents in WI since then. Packing was, as always, less than enjoyable, but I was able to compress my life into 3 suitcases, a carry-on, and dog kennel.

I flew from Santo Domingo to Miami, rented a car and drove the rest of the way. I was a really incredible drive. The first day was tough, because my navigator, Libby, was useless when it came to getting around Miami, but eventually we found our way. We stopped first at my old roommate Anthony's house to say hi and visit Libby's best friend Athena. 

Athena was very happy to see Libby, but she was wary, because Athena had gotten quite a bit bigger since the last time we saw her, and Libby had been attacked by a pit bull two weeks previous. From there we headed north. We hit Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, and then finally Wisconsin. 

I have spent the summer catching up with my family, spending time in the amazing Wisconsin outdoors, working at NorthLakes Community Health Center, and studying. It has gone by so quickly. I am not anxious to leave, as this is the least stressed I have been since I moved out 10 years ago! I will be really sad to leave, but as the temperature gets colder, I am less and less willing to stay!

Here is a look at what I have done this summer:

Libby wanted to try kayaking. It took a while

But she finally got the hang of it

Tried boat riding

Met my brother's girlfriend Maggie

Horse back riding with my sister Cameron

Hiking by Lake Superior

Libby rolled in a dead skunk and got her first, hopefully last, skunk bath

Getting ready to bee keep

Extracting honey from the hives, only got stung once


 What does the future hold? I fly back to the Dominican Republic on Sunday. I will be staying there for two weeks to finalize some things then fly to Curacao on September 8th. I will be in Curacao for 8 months roughly and then we will see where I go from there. Time will tell.

"One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure." William Feather

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