20 September 2014

Week 1 in Curacao

I have been in Curacao for over a week now. I've met a bunch of people now, all of them are nice. It's an interesting environment because everyone has spent time out of their home country. I don't remember if I mentioned in my other post that here when you ask people where they are from, it usually goes something like, "I'm coming from New York, but I'm from Korea" or "I'm from Michigan, but I'm coming form Grand Cayman." At our orientation, there were eight people sitting at our table and we had eight countries (Cameroon, the UK, South Korea, Nepal, India, the US, Somalia, and South Africa) and 15 languages represented. It was pretty amazing!

I spent the last couple days before class started, I just passing the time. I read Gone Girl, went to the beach twice, went exploring, went to Starbucks, and went shopping. Enjoying the last of my freedom until December.

Classes started on Tuesday. I will include pictures of the school in a following blog post because I keep forgetting to take pictures while I'm there. Too busy doing schooly stuff! So far everything is great. The classes look like classrooms from this century. The air-conditioning is working. There are no floods in the classrooms when it rains. The teachers show up...and on time...and lecture. Basically, it is an actually medical school.

I have four classes: neuro science, behavioral science, micro/immuno, and path I. All the classes are two hours long, so I have back to back classes, with a lunch break. It makes it a lot easier to study before and after school, rather than having to fit in a hour of studying here and there, I actually get quality studying done during the day. We wear scrubs to class every day, except Fridays. I love that. So easy to get dressed in the morning. I have actually decided to wears scrubs everyday unless I have a presentation on a Friday.

I am feeling more comfortable here. I still like the Dominican Republic more, but there is so much more to there and things are more accessible. I want to learn the bus system here so that I can get around better, but I live within walking distance of the Punda, which has a lot of stores, Starbucks, Denny's, and the grocery store.

Today is my birthday. It was a little hard emotionally, but really it just felt like any other day. I gave myself the gift of sleeping in and then went to Starbucks and bought a piece of 7 layer almond cake. I did a little window shopping and then went home to finish studying some stuff. I don't mind. I just would like to eventually spend one of my birthdays with my family.

I have to get back to studying, but enjoy some more pictures and let me know if you want to know anything specific. 

This is the building I live in

Pretty path by the ocean

The ocean. Not sure why I took this picture  
Most of Curacao is rather desert like, but there are some nice green areas

Typical street

Colorful strip mall 
Much more organized way of building things 

This was outside a Cosco-type store. Just wandering around like he owned the place

A view of Punda from a tall bridge

Another view of Punda

And another

The harbor which is in the middle of the city

Just some colorful stores


  1. Okay, so this isn't really a Curacao-related question, but what did you think of Gone Girl? I recently listened to the audio book, and I thought it was pretty good. A lot of unexpected twists! :)

    1. I thought it was really interesting. I heard an interview with the Author on Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me and thought the book sounded intiguing. I wasn't theilled with the ending at first, but thought it gave the story dimension. And after reading the Divergent series, I thought that there must be a trend of unexpected and sad endings.
