02 January 2015

Happy New Years!

I know it has been a long time since I have written anything, but it has been a really long semester. I worked really hard this semester and thankfully, all that hard work paid off! I was most excited that I passed my neurology final. It was super hard and for some reason, it just didn't come that easily for me. But I passed and that is all that matters!

Not much has happened over this break, but it has been super relaxing. I spent Christmas here by myself. I was doing okay until I broke my computer and that basically started a sad snowball of emotion. But then I got to FaceTime with my family and it was all good again!

New Years here is amazing. They set off tons of fireworks. It is not an exaggeration when I say there were continuous fireworks for over two hours here. I'm staying on top of a hill, so I was able to see tons. The dogs I'm watching were not thrilled. I spent quite a bit of time trying to convince them we were not under siege.

I had to buy a new computer today. It was so sad. The computer I had was amazing, but it finally decided it was not going to put up with my abuse any longer. After surviving being dropped several times and being soaked with water twice, no one could blame it. So now I can post all the pictures I wanted to before the computer stopped working.

In Punda at the Curacao sign

At Farewell with a Christmas tree

With friends from my class

Here are some pictures of the school. I can't remember if I uploaded these already and I'm too lazy to see if I already did.
Computer lab



One of our classrooms
 The school is pretty small, so there is not much to show!

Lunch break while studying for finals

White coat ceremony 

At Knip beach. The water is really that color. It is so pretty!

Wine and cheese tasting with Stacey. So amazing. Totally worth it. If you are in Curacao, this is a must

My companions for Christmas break 

Fireworks on the beach at the Hilton
That is it for now. I hope everyone had a really great Christmas and New Years!

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