18 October 2013

Quick Update

Just a quick update to let everyone know what has been going on.

Living Arrangements: We still haven't found a place to live. Honestly, we haven't been trying as hard as we probably should have, but between getting everything set for Intec and working, there has been little time. But I am armed with a list of 12 properties to look at over the next couple of days. Hopefully next week we will no longer be homeless.

Intec: When we did our group interview a couple weeks ago, we were told that the new students would be announced on Oct. 17th. I was going to run to the school yesterday to look at the list, but they called me in the afternoon to inform me that I have another interview today. We'll see if it is good news or not. I was really tired when I woke up this morning and grabbed my pre-weight loss interview pants instead of my post-weight loss pants. Not a great way to start the day.

Work: I am still very happy at my job. I love my students and enjoy working as a teacher (but I am very excited to get back to being a student again). I recently took on a tutoring job. One of the 8th graders at the school needs help with every one of her subjects. I get paid well to do it, but it is a challenge.

Other: I got asked to play violin for a Christmas concert. I will be at the National Theater. Wow! Super nervous/excited.

That is my quick update. Hopefully I will have good news to share with you all this afternoon.

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